Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is an inconic map of the City of Fremantle. Located on the map are numbers 1-15 signifying the important, main places of the city. Below the map are the destinations of number on the map.

Map url: www.emeraldinsight.com/fig/0670360917001.png


A geologic map can help a geologist see the Earth's rocks that lie on the surface.
This geologic map is of Texas during the year 1992. The three eras are broken down as the map's legend. Each rock has it's own color pattern during it's time era. For instance, during the Mesozoic era, the rock patterns are shades of green.

Map url: geoweb.tamu.edu/.../grossman/GeologicTX.jpg


Featured on this map is a comparison of males per 100 females based on the US 2000 Census. There are only four basic colors on the map breaking down the data classes.

Map url: http://my.ilstu.edu/~jrcarter/Geo204/Choro/map-AmFact-4eqint-orange-80pct.jpg


This is a Bivariate choropleth maps of Africa. It is showing the "Land Use Life Expectancy, and GNP Per Capita in Africa 1989." The continent is broken up by varying colors which are defined in the block legend. There is also a pie chart to further demonstrate the information presented in the bivariate choropleth map.

Map url: www.geocities.com/.../Africa_Choropleth.jpg


A map that I have not familiar with, a Lorenz Curve shows income distribution with it's curve. This Lorenz Curve featured showing Scotland's income fairness. The chart is a guide to helping get to that fairness to please the SNP.

Map url: www.northlan.gov.uk/.../lorenz+curve.jpg


The image example of this histogram is depicting final exam results for a fake class. The score range is denoted by different colored bars. The X axis is the score on the final exams while the Y axis is the number of students.

Map url: media.techtarget.com/.../Misc/iw_histogram.gif


Parallel coordinate graph that is seen here is of baseball statistics. This type of graph is so that one can "plot large multivariate datasets." The top Y Axis on the parallel coordinate graph represents "The League Leaders for the Stat" while the X axis represents "A Zero value for all State."

Map url: www.matthewtavares.com/.../graph_allteams.bmp