Friday, January 30, 2009


The image you are seeing is that of a DLG map. DLG stands for digital line graph. The image I have depicts the properties of the United States broken up into territories. For example, Florida has been seperated as an individual state while Georgia has been clumped into the Southeastern states.

I love this type of map because it easy to read and it has my intials.

Image link:


The next map that I have is called a LIDAR map. LIDAR or Light Detection and Ranging, is a type of map that uses an optical remote sensing technology which measures the properties of scattered light. The LIDAR uses this scattered light in order to detect the range as well as other information about a distant target. The pic that I have chosen to display is showing a LIDAR at work with it's laser light.

Map url:

Monday, January 19, 2009


The first map that I have picked was the box plot. By definition, a box plot is " a graphic which display the center portions of the data and some information about the range of the data." The diagram for this map shows a five number summary plot. The relation of the numbers features can be easily compare. It is simple to read.

Map url: